Coming from different backgrounds- together they have a special flavor! Their new studio album „VICTORY TO THE LIGHT“ includes along with the rock ballad „ GAME OVER“ melodic and funky rock songs, for example the progressive opener „COMING 4U“ and „VICTORY TO THE LIGHT“ - the title song of the album, unambiguous and direct.

Driving guitar riffs and Reggie Worthys extraordinary bass guitar are supporting Ina Zeplins sturdy and sensual voice. 

WORTHY/ ZEPLIN releasing their 3rd studio album on their indipendent label „Groovelot Records“, produced and recorded in their Berlin- studio.

Reggie Worthys musical experience is beyond the pale. He toured with artists like Tina Turner, Udo Lindenberg, Inga Rumpf/ Frumpy, Stargard, Eric Burdon, US5 and with the German singer- & Songwriter Stefan Stoppok up till now. 

Ina Zeplin started her musical career as the laed singer of the German Rock Band „Broken Marble“.

For a number of years now they are touring together all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Their combination is unique! 



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